What is Tarot & Spiritual Intuition to me?

Intuition for me is learning to listen to that inner voice you have when asking yourself things like “What do I need to do right now?”, “Is this the right thing for me?” in most cases we will ignore the first thought that comes to mind only to find that you should have gone with that inner voice that was screaming at you the warning signs. It is connecting to those I am working for on a soul level being able to feel into the individual’s current reality with the help of tarot cards and their guides to give them the belief to make a change that they have previously been too afraid to make or allowing the space for an awakening to happen in areas that changes need to be made in order for them to move forward confidently and reassured that those they have loved and lost are never far away and are still with them on an energetic level rather than a physical level

About me

My name is Leah, and I am a Soul Awakening Coach.

I am here to share with you the beauty of connecting to self on a soul level, to guide and support you using my gifts of Tarot and Divine messages.

My purpose here on this Earth is to show you that there is a real power in connecting to self and trusting your intuition to guide you through the difficult times that come up in this lifetime.

My belief is that we are souls living a human experience and in connecting to ourselves on that soul level it helps to make the human experience more bearable.

My Services

Love & Light

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